
Worship Ministry
The Worship Ministry works to provide all persons with opportunities to worship and praise the Lord and to participate in a worship service for the glory and honor of God the Father, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Activities include:
Support of Sunday Worship services
Chancel Choir
Handbell Choir
Advent Worship and Soup Suppers
Lenten Worship and Soup Suppers
Summer Worship and picnic
Children’s Christmas Program
Contact the Church Office
Tel: 740-452-7569

Witness Ministry
Our mission is to lead the congregation in witnessing to the Gospel of Jesus Christ to people who are not active members of a Christian congregation, to support the faith development of members and increase the active membership of the congregation.
Activities include:
New Member Outreach: The Welcome Center continues to welcome visitors, presenting a welcome gift and following up with delivering a loaf of bread and visiting potential new members.
Activity Bags for Children: Activity bags are provided for children to use during the service.
Bereavement Ministry: The Bereavement Ministry coordinates bereavement receptions and meals.
Contact the Church Office
Tel: 740-452-7569

Learning Ministry
The Learning Ministry works to provide the tools, means and opportunity to enhance spiritual growth and understanding of God’s message.
Activities include:
Recruiting Sunday School teachers for the children’s classes
Recruiting Sunday School secretaries who collect the weekly Sunday School offering
Overseeing the nursery
Delivering Valentines made by Sunday School children to homebound members
Purchasing Easter books and key chains for the children, which are passed out on Easter morning
Recognizing and thanking Sunday School teachers, nursery volunteers and Sunday School secretaries
Recognizing high school graduates and honoring them with a dinner after church
Hosting a reception for confirmands
Holding Vacation Bible School
Supporting “Operation Christmas Child”
Supervising games at the Church picnic
Contact the Church Office
Tel: 740-452-7569

Community Caring Ministry
The Community Caring Ministry leads the congregation’s efforts to address the caring of the social, economic and emotional needs of people both within the congregation and in the community at large.
The Ministry continues to serve with designated offerings for Lent, Thanksgiving and Christmas and special projects to support community organizations.
Organizations we’ve supported include:
The Salvation Army
The American Red Cross
Oesterlen-Services for Youth, Inc.
Eastside Community Ministry
Christ’s Table
Senior Center Fund
Contact the Church Office
Tel: 740-452-7569

Youth Ministry
Soulfire is an active ministry for high-school age youth, focusing on service projects, Christian learning and Bible study, and fellowship.
Soulfire Rocks – We go to the best in Christian Music.
Soulfire Learns – We nurture our relationship with Jesus Christ through his Word.
Soulfire Services – If we don’t serve after rocking and learning, we’ve missed the boat.
Soulfire’s Other Activities – There is just so much to do with one another.
Amazing Grace Day Camp
Amazing Grace Day Camp is sponsored jointly by the Southern Ohio Synod of the ELCA and Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, working in partnership with St. John’s, who serves as a host church. Day camp provides children, entering ages 1 to 7 with a quality Christian camping experience in their own community. The Amazing Grace Day Camp program – a unique combination of evangelism, outreach and outdoor ministries – focuses on bringing the Good News of our living God to unchurched children and children living in poverty on Southeast Ohio.
ELCA Youth Gathering
ELCA Youth Gatherings bring youth and adult leaders together around a theme that is integrated into all program components. These components including Bible study, service, worship, focused study areas, experiential learning, special events, dances and tours. ELCA Youth Gatherings occur every three years.
Contact the Church Office
Tel: 740-452-7569

Bus Ministry
The Bus Ministry brings children and those needing transportation to the church each Sunday morning to experience learning, worship and a caring Christian family. We have a van and Church bus.
We welcome volunteers who would like to become bus drivers. See Doug Smith for more information.
Activities include transportation to Worship and other ministry purposes, for example:
High school youth group mission trip
Family trip to the Creation Museum
DCYF to a hot dog roast
Transportation to Amazing Grace Day Camp
Trips to Kings Island
Trips to Christian music concerts
The bus and van are also used for trips, retreats and other ministry purposes. Church members can call the Church office to use them or book a trip for a group.
Contact the Church Office
Tel: 740-452-7569

Property Ministry
The mission of the Property Ministry is to provide for the maintenance and improvement of all the real and personal property of the congregation; to provide the equipment and materials necessary and helpful for the congregation to carry out its mission and ministry; to provide for the scheduled maintenance and replacement of property and equipment.
Activities include:
Restoration of stained glass windows
Repair of walls and ceilings
Maintaining shrubs, flower beds and grounds
Repair of roofs and downspouts
Parking lot maintenance and repair
Plumbing and heating/air conditioning repair
Maintenance of church organ
Contact the Church Office
Tel: 740-452-7569

Stewardship Ministry
The Stewardship Ministry initiates programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of the congregation in regard to time, talents and treasures. It provides for the training and utilization of members of the congregation for the work of Christ’s Kingdom, and it ensures the financial stability of the congregation and its work through a developed program of dedicated, proportionate, first fruits giving.
Contact the Church Office
Tel: 740-452-7569